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Tread On

I realise that I’ve not spoken much about the walks that I’ve done in preparation for this big adventure, and there are two reasons for this:

Firstly, so much has gone on with Compassion from evenings with J John, to floods in Ecuador that I’ve felt it necessary to talk about them. Even now there is more news from Compassion as Beth and I are officially advocates! This may come as a surprise to some, because we (or at least Beth) have always done Compassion  stuff in the church, but we’ve never actually done anything officially, until now!

Secondly, and I think the most obvious. The most preparation that I’ve done for this Taff Trail adventure is a few miles on a treadmill! I realise that this is not going to achieve anything in getting me ready to walk the whole Taff Trail, but I just haven’t seemed to have found time anywhere to sort my self out, and talking to others joining me on the walk…neither have they. I must and will sort something out where all those walking the Taff Trail can go on a mini adventure to realise how much preparation is required!